Pure Essential Oil Diffuser Blends


Pure Essential Oil Diffuser Blends

Your favorite Farmstead Naturals’ scents, in Pure Essential Oil Blends, for diffusers and nebulizers to be added to a carrier oil like organic extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil at a dilution of 5% max. Now you too can stimulate your senses and medicate your soul.


All in Your Head – A blend of Lavender, Frankincense, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Rosemary & Marjoram. For all your aches and pains. Can be diluted and used as a massage oil.
Easy Breezy – A blend of Lemon, Peppermint, Lavender, & Frankincense. For seasonal allergies.
Pure Lavender – Lavender helps with almost every condition of the mind or body. Can be diluted and used for massage or applied to minor wounds. Can be used in a diffuser to help calm the mind and clean the air.
Lights Out – A restful blend of Lavender, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Mandarin, Roman Chamomile, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Sweet Orange, Sandalwood, Patchouli & Frankincense. Diffuse before bedtime or dilute and use as a massage oil.
Serenity Now – A blend of Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Frankincense, Clary Sage, & Marjoram. The oils in this blend are known to help with ADHD, anxiety, stress, insomnia, emotional trauma, neurological disorders, disruptive or impulsive behaviors.
Soothe – A blend for the immune system of Tea Tree, Lavender, and Eucalyptus. Can be diluted in a carrier oil and used as a decongestant chest rub.

**All essential oils are meant for external use only unless under the guidance of a medical practitioner.
Always dilute pure oils in a carrier oil, never apply undiluted to skin.**

Our products are handcrafted with the finest natural ingredients. However, please discontinue use if any irritation occurs as Farmstead Naturals is not responsible for any reactions to any ingredients. Please check with your doctor if you are pregnant or have a medical condition such as high blood pressure or epilepsy, as certain essential oils should not be used.

**All statements reflect the research and opinion of the owner of Farmstead Naturals, and are the result of a personal trial, but have not been evaluated and should not take the place of a professional.*

Additional information

Weight25 g
Dimensions14 × 14 × 11 cm

5ml, 15ml


All In Your Head, Easy Breezy, Lavender, Lights Out, Serenity Now, Soothe